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LUCINOR JAGUAR is the god molecule. At Lucinor we hand tailor this product in small batches to create the ideal ratios for safe microdosing. Each nasal spray contains exactly 150 mg of HCL LUCINOR JAGUAR dissolved in 20ml of our signature colloidal silver solution, which equates to 75 full microdoses. 1 dose is 1 full spray in each nostril.


Lucinor Jaguar helps quiet the conscious mind and access the subconscious. This experience can be profound and healing, revealing repressed traumas and opening to a state of peace and gratitude. At higher doses, users may experience divine unity with all consciousness and feel like their true self. The afterglow of the experience can bring deep gratitude and grounding, leading to a transformed perspective on life. The memories of the experience can inform everyday life and increase appreciation for being alive in a human body.



  • May lead to greater emotional stability, reduce anxiety & symptoms of depression 
  • May enhance physical energy and increase overall well-being
  • May reduce cravings and addictive tendencies
  • May improves creativity and problem-solving skills
  • May increased feelings of openness and connection
  • May have anti-infammatory effects
  • Non-Addictive
  • Non-Tolerance building
  • No Adverse Effects

JAGUAR Nasal Spray

  • The Lucinor jagauar nasal spray contains 150 mg of 5MEODMT in HCL form diluted in 20 ml of distilled water and colloidal silver.

    Contains 75 doses. 2 mg per dose.

    1 dose = 1 spray in each nostril.

    Aim the nozzle towards the outer nasal membrane. Plug nostrils after application. Do not inhale medicine. Some minor discomfort is normal. Discomfort will pass within 5 minutes.

  • No Returns or Refunds

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